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Five Best Ways to Fight Acne

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, December 31, 2013 | 8:22 AM

As we age we start to look older. This statement of fact is irksome to many people, and they live in denial of the facts. Lotions and creams are bought over the counter, and skin treatments are undergone in surgeries and consulting rooms around the planet. It is understandable that we do not want to appear older, and there are many ways that we can continue the fight. Laser treatments are used with great success to improve the beauty of our skin and to give us glowing complexions, but natural lotions are also very popular and many people have seen good improvements with them. Below I have listed a few of the more popular ways to help your skin and stop aging


Apparently "We are what we eat". Though not literal, this saying carries a lot of truth. If you eat foods full of fats and sugars, it will affect your body as well as your skin. If you start to eat a balanced healthy diet results will follow. Some foods are better for your skin than others so you should be trying to eat food that has benefits. Fruit and Vegetables are a great place to start, but dairy products will strengthen your skin (helping wrinkles) with Greek yogurt being particularly good.


You need to be drinking water, and a lot of it. This is not just for your skin but also for your whole body's health. Drinking water helps clean your body out and will stop you looking dehydrated. This in turn will improve wrinkles as the cells in skin need enough water to function properly. 2 liters a day should be enough for most people. Also think about the chemicals in the water you may be putting on your skin, chlorene can be removed from your shower water by running it through a filter and this is advisable.

Laser Treatment

This is perhaps the most famous treatment over the past few years. An injection of Botox into the wrinkled area affects how the wrinkles are formed, leaving you practically wrinkle free. Wrinkles form when the muscles of your skin contract and Botox stops this happening. It works because a neurotoxin in the injection blocks the messages that tell your face to wrinkle; this is another procedure that needs to be repeated as it is not everlasting.

Cold Therapy

A new form of skin treatment is cold therapy, or Frotox, has been developed where liquid nitrogen is injected in much the same way as Botox. The difference is that using this therapy the nerves are frozen giving instant results that last for several months. This could well be the future in the fight against aging.

If you want to stay young forever you are out of luck, but these ways and means to  stave of the approach of old age are all possible methods. Good luck in your search for eternal youth.

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